Infusing Music into the Classroom: Ideas and Resources for Teachers

Music is a powerful language. For many people, music is woven into the thread of their daily life. It’s also a tool that can be used to influence a learning environment.

Infusing Music into the Classroom: Ideas and Resources for Teachers
Photo by Wes Hicks / Unsplash

Music is a powerful language. For many people, music is woven into the thread of their daily life. It’s also a tool that can be used to influence a learning environment. Music can also help to improve students' memory retention and recall. By using music to support learning, teachers can help students to better remember important concepts and information.

  • How can music help set the tone of the classroom and create an atmosphere that's conducive to learning?
  • What are some ways that music can be used to bring history lessons to life and promote diversity and inclusivity in the classroom?
  • How can students develop their critical thinking and writing skills by writing a review of an artist, album, or song as part of a music appreciation unit?

Here are some resources and ideas for incorporating music into the classroom.

  • Music can connect kids to classroom learning.
  • Music can help set the tone of the classroom depending on the desired outcome. Music can help create an atmosphere in the classroom that is conducive to learning. By selecting music that fits the mood of the lesson or activity, teachers can help students focus, relax, or get energized depending on what is needed.
  • Use instrumental music to inspire writing. If you’re writing a spooky story, ominous music can set the stage for student curiosity.
  • Music from different cultures can help bring history lessons to life. Incorporating music from different cultures into history lessons can help students understand the cultural context of historical events and figures. It also promotes diversity and inclusivity in the classroom by exposing students to different musical traditions and perspectives.
  • Students can write an artist, album, or song review. As part of a music appreciation unit, students can be asked to write a review of an artist, album, or song. This activity can encourage students to think critically about music and develop their writing skills.
  • When reading a novel, students can create a playlist of "Walk Up" music for each character. "Walk Up" music is a song or instrumental piece that is played as a character enters a scene, and can help set the tone for the character's personality or mood.
  • One of my favorites is to have a song playing as the students enter the room, and then ask them to respond to a DO NOW prompt where they have to make connections to what we are currently learning about and the song.
  • Students can also create a “class playlist” where each of the picks a song to add. This playlist is a living reminder to each student that they “belong” as an important class member. They’ll also want to change their songs throughout the year as their personality changes. It’s a great way to connect with your students.

Incorporating music into the classroom is a powerful tool for teachers to create a more engaging and inclusive learning environment. Whether it's using music to inspire writing, exploring different cultures, or connecting students to classroom learning, there are endless possibilities for using music in the classroom. See how it can transform your students' learning experience.

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