My Public Learning and Writing Newsletter Goals

My Public Learning and Writing Newsletter Goals
Photo by Markus Winkler / Unsplash

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The hotel room is dark. I'm sitting in a semi-comfortable chair feeling grateful for a good day. One of my daughters swam at the state swim meet and my oldest daughter actually cheered for her little sister 🥲. The CDC just relaxed the mask mandate requirements, which meant I was free to sweat out in the open rather than behind the mask.

Watching the swimmers compete I started thinking about goals. I know in my family when it comes to swimming the goal is to try to get a personal best in each event. I thought of all of the goals that must have been floating above the heads of the swimmers today.

I used to set pretty big goals when I was younger and have scaled back as each year rolls by. I think it's time to ramp it up again. It feels strange and a little scary to share goals out into the universe, but it will keep me focused and maybe even more accountable.

Here are a few recent goals along with my progress or lack thereof:

Public Learning and Writing:

  • Set up a website, purchase a domain, and come up with a name.

Done. Decided on hosting my site with Ghost and purchased the domain name through Google -  and decided on the name Why Edify. I also decided to build in the newsletter feature.

  • Reflect on how this site and newsletter will provide value to me and to people who take the time to read what I share.

Still ongoing. I don't want to become stagnate in the last third of my teaching career. Sharing what I learn will be of value to me and hopefully others. It's already paying off in how I approach each day in the classroom. Progress is being made.

  • Set up the newsletter features

Done. I really struggled with how to do this best from the beginning. The cost of this site and domain is about $120.00 per year. Right now it's set so that everything is free.

That's enough for tonight. We have to finish off day two at the pool tomorrow. Maybe some more goals will visit me in my sleep. Subscribe below to join me on my journey.


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