Teach Like Ted Lasso - Be a Goldfish

Doing your best, acting from the heart, and trying to be better tomorrow is all anyone can ask; it's enough.

Teach Like Ted Lasso - Be a Goldfish
Photo by DEAR / Unsplash
"Be a goldfish." - Ted Lasso

The past is in the past.

Goldfish must be one of the happiest creatures on the planet. They can't recall past failures, insults, or slights. They just keep swimming.

With the number of decisions teachers make in one day, it's impossible to get every single one of them right. Plan ahead and do your best. If you mess up, own it, and make an adjustment. That's all you can do.

Sometimes you can do everything right and people will still be unhappy with you. We all know how it feels to spend hours planning only to have a lesson blow up in your face.

Be a goldfish.

Doing your best, acting from the heart, and trying to be better tomorrow is all anyone can ask; it's enough.

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