The Secret to Forming a New Habit One Minute at a Time - Resources to Help Students Develop Good Habits

Focusing on small incremental improvements makes habit change seem more doable to 8th graders. That’s where the one-minute secret comes in.

The Secret to Forming a New Habit One Minute at a Time - Resources to Help Students Develop Good Habits
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

I'm in the middle of a Thirty-Day Challenge. This is 5/30.

New habit formation can be daunting. Many people start the new year with lofty expectations of changes to make. Success with these types of resolutions is often few and far between. These high expectations can also become stressors.

When you are a procrastinator backed up on work, fixing this problem seems big.

It becomes paralyzing to some of my students.

Focusing on small incremental improvements makes habit change seem more doable to 8th graders. That’s where the one-minute secret comes in.

Christine Carter, Ph.D., is an author, speaker, and coach dedicated to redesigning the way people work—so that they can lead their most joyful, productive, and fulfilling lives. Here Ted Talk, “The 1-Minute Secret to Forming a New Habit” is an engaging resource to help students take steps towards habit change.

Resources to Help Students Develop Good Habits