Thirty Posts in Thirty Days
My first 30-Day Challenge is to publish at least one article per day for thirty days in a row.

If you have been a regular reader of this site, you know that I like to challenge myself using Thirty Day Challenges. This year, I've set a goal to complete at least one of these challenges.
My first 30-Day Challenge is to publish at least one article per day for thirty days in a row. I've always been impressed with people who have the habit of writing and sharing something each day. It seems like it's so easy for some, but It sure seems daunting to me. I've been watching Seth Godin and Matthew Dicks do this for some time.
Sometimes, I don't write because I'm not sure what to say or I have a little fear that creeps up connected to worrying about what other people might think.
The rules of the challenge are simple:
- Let go of the fears - just do it.
- What I share should have the potential to positively impact at least one other person.
- Something has to be published each day for 30 days. The only length requirement is that it needs to be at least one paragraph long.
- I will share each post on X, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Leo Babauta writes, "One of the most instrumental changes in my life has been writing every single day." Some of the writing benefits he lists are that writing helps you reflect on your life, clarify your thinking, help you take on the perspectives of others, and boosts your creativity.
These are all things I would like more of in my life.
Post #1 is done.
Let the challenge begin.