Appreciate the Mediocre

In the world of education, there’s this constant push to be more. Whether it’s becoming the Pinterest-worthy teacher, integrating the latest technologies, or crafting lessons that are nothing short of revolutionary, the pressure is real.

Appreciate the Mediocre
Photo by Denny Ryanto / Unsplash

Have you ever found yourself stuck, comparing your life or career to those picture-perfect images we all see on social media? It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that if our lives aren’t filled with grand achievements or Instagram-worthy moments, we’re not doing enough.

But I came across a quote by Mark Bundrent that really flipped the script on this idea.

He said, 'if you're happy living what some might call a mediocre life, then you're not living a mediocre life at all.' That hit home, especially when I thought about it in the context of teaching.

In the world of education, there’s this constant push to be more. Whether it’s becoming the Pinterest-worthy teacher, integrating the latest technologies, or crafting lessons that are nothing short of revolutionary, the pressure is real.

But here's the thing – the essence of teaching, the heart of what it means to be a good teacher, isn’t about any of that.

It's about showing up each day, giving the best of yourself to your students, and ensuring you're there for them, rain or shine. It's about the dedication to teach well, day in and day out, even when it doesn't feel extraordinary.

As the end of the school year approaches, it’s so important to remember this.

Success isn't always measured in the milestones or the accolades but in the quiet consistency of our efforts.

Making it through the year, especially in this right frame of mind, is a testament to strength and resilience. It's more than enough. So, if you’ve ever felt like you’re just treading water, remember that sometimes, the real achievement is in the journey and the persistence.

So, let’s take a moment to appreciate the 'mediocre' – because if it means we’re living a life in line with our values, connecting with our students, and finding joy in the small moments, then perhaps it’s not so mediocre after all.

Let's redefine success on our own terms and recognize that showing up for our students, and doing the best we can with what we have, is worth celebrating.

Here’s to all the teachers out there doing just that – your dedication does not go unnoticed.

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