Don't Be Afraid

Topics for this week include helping students overcome their fear of failure, using small gestures to build relationships, and curating your environment for desired outcomes.

Don't Be Afraid
Photo by Melanie Wasser / Unsplash
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The Friday 5

TGIF Teacher Newsletter #122

🗒 Try using Notion to organize your personal and professional life, group projects, and everything else you learn along the way #NotionPartner. I use Notion to organize my teaching world, draft weekly newsletters, and house the STRONG Teacher Toolkit. There's even an AI add-on that makes many aspects of my school life easier. I highly recommend it.

It's Thursday night, and I'm finishing this week's newsletter. I've spent the last week fishing, hiking, and looking out over a beautiful lake.

We caught fish (more like tadpoles) and had great food in between naps and bouts of supreme relaxation. I'm grateful for family (happy birthday, Mom!) and friends.

Here is this week's Friday Five.

Have a great weekend!


Don’t Be Afraid

“According to UC Berkeley professor Martin Covington, the fear of failure is directly linked to your self-worth or the belief that you are valuable as a person. As a result, Covington found that students will put themselves through unbelievable psychological machinations to avoid failure and maintain the sense that they are worthy—which, as all of us who have ever dealt with the fear of failure know, can have long-term consequences.” Overcoming the fear of failure is crucial to helping kids reach their full potential. Strategies to help students deal with failure include emphasizing effort over ability, encouraging self-compassion, and building positive relationships.


Small Gestures Are Powerful

This article is a carryover from Wednesday’s newsletter about “pebbling.” A penguin's love language can teach us powerful lessons about human connection. The concept of 'pebbling,' inspired by Gentoo penguins' courtship ritual of gifting pebbles, refers to small, thoughtful deeds that express care and affection. Whether in personal relationships or teaching, using 'pebbling' can enhance bonds and create a nurturing environment. These small gestures can add up over time.


Design For Desired Outcomes

Ever wonder how your physical surroundings affect your mind? Environmental psychology explores the deep connection between humans and their environments, influencing everything from creativity to productivity. By applying principles of environmental psychology, such as designing for creativity and comfort, you can optimize your space to enhance your well-being and overall performance. I know I always feel better after cleaning and organizing my classroom.


Flavor of Success

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” ― Truman Capote


Teacher Commuter Playlist - Rhythm Of The Saints by Paul Simon

Choose Your Own Adventure

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