Goal Update June 2023

Here are the results or lack thereof from June 2023.

Goal Update June 2023
Photo by Igor Rodrigues / Unsplash

Hello friends.

Here are the results or lack thereof from June 2023. I lost some momentum this month but gained some much-needed vacation time. It was time to hit the reset button.

Wellness / Happiness

Here's a rundown of my home workout space. It's evolved quite nicely.

Complete at least 720 minutes of exercise or more each month.

  • I logged 854 exercise minutes in the month of June. I cycled 8 times, went on 5 walks, ran 3 times, and had only three weight-lifting sessions. I'm going to consider this month a success since one of the weeks included a fishing trip with my brother and dad.

Weigh in under 200 pounds and stay there.

  • I don't know and am afraid to check. I just returned from my second vacation, and I opened the food and drink floodgates. I'll refocus these next two weeks and reassess.

Complete at least 30 journal entries monthly using a paper journal and Day One App.

  • Just missed my journalling goal for the month with 28 entries.

Embrace a Mediterranean / Dash Diet.

  • I think it's best to say that in the month of June I fell off the healthy eating bandwagon. Now the trick is to restart and stop the negative momentum.

Education / Teaching Career

Read at least two education/teaching books this year and write a book summary blog post on each.

  • I still need to complete one more for this year. I think the second book will be connected to EduProtocols.

Share at least four education resources per month.

Here are the resources I put together last month. I missed my goal by two.

Add at least 12 new resources to my subscriber database.

  • Done

Personal Development

Read two personal development books annually and write a book summary blog post on each.

  • I need to write the book summaries for the two books that I read. I just finished reading Station Eleven for personal enjoyment and am starting A Man Called Ove.

Complete at least three "thirty-day challenges" in 2023.

  • I have two under my belt. I think I might start a commonplace journal for at least thirty days.
  • Here's my progress so far.

Write in a paper journal at least three days per week.

  • I've retired this goal, but starting a commonplace diary may revive my paper efforts.

Dreams, Retirement, and Money Stuff

Publish at least two newsletters per month.

  • I am now up to 76 weekly newsletters in a row. Use the button below to join me on my journey.

Create at least two YouTube videos per month - step out of your comfort zone.

  • I created two Shorts videos to share the weekly newsletter and that's about it. I've hit a roadblock with this goal and need to find a way to put a video together that doesn't feel so weird to me.

Share at least two personal finance resources per month and apply what I learn.

  • This goal has been retired.

Share something useful on Twitter at least 25 times per month.

Reflect Monthly

Reflect on these goals and share each month.

  • Done