Teach Like Ted Lasso - Locker Room
“I do love a classroom. It smells like potential.” - Jeremy Jorgensen

“I do love a locker room. It smells like potential.” - Ted Lasso
I teach middle school, and if you’ve been in a middle school classroom you know that sometimes there is a literal potpourri of scents.
I like this quote in the sense of what a locker room symbolizes. The idea of athletes from different backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses, and personalities coming together to get better and win games is promising.
The same is true for a classroom. This is my 25th year teaching so I’ve been fortunate enough to see how many of my students have grown up. They have careers and families, and they are chasing their dreams.
When you enter a classroom it’s packed with potential. Teaching is all about helping kids reach their potential as they pursue the best version of themselves.
“I do love a classroom. It smells like potential.” - Jeremy Jorgensen
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