Grudge Ball Test Review Classroom Game

This is my absolute favorite low-technology review game. Kids love it!

Grudge Ball Test Review Classroom Game
Learn How To Play The Grudge Ball Test Review Classroom Game
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One Game to Rule Them All!

This is one of my favorite review games to play with students. Here is what you need:

  1. A Grudge Ball. This is a squishy ball that students shoot into a makeshift basket for bonus points.
  2. A Milk Crate - This is the make-shift basket.
  3. Numbered review questions prepared ahead of time. I usually print off my questions from Quizlet. It’s a great site for retrieval practice.
  4. A random number generator to select the questions. I use the Random app on my iPad.
  5. A whiteboard for each time or a way to project team boards on a big screen. I use my Surface* and OneNote.
  6. Have your teams ready. This leaves more time for gameplay.
  7. A reward for the winning team. This of course is optional.
  • The goal of the game is to keep as many “Xs” as you can on your team board while taking “Xs” away from other teams.
  • When a team answers a question correctly they earn one “X”. This means they get to take an “X” away from another team’s board.
  • When they get a correct answer they also have the ability to shoot a bonus shot to earn more “Xs”. I have three challenge levels. The harder the shot the more “Xs” they earn.
  • They can take all their “Xs” away from one board, or split them between boards”
  • There is some strategy involved. Some teams take out their “grudge” against one team and others like to try to float under the radar. I am always surprised how much satisfaction they get from taking “Xs” away from someone else’s board.
  • If a team loses all of their “Xs” they can earn them back by answering questions correctly and making their bonus shots. They can only add “Xs” to their own board if their board is empty.

Possible Game Play Additions:

  • I use my Sony Bluetooth speaker* to play sound effects from my iPad during the game. There are many sound effect apps to choose from. This definitely adds to the fun.
  • I’ve also been having fun using Alexa to pick random numbers. I just have to say “Alexa pick a random number between 1 and …..”
  • You will also see in one of my pictures I put up some penalty objects by the basket. If they knock these over they lose an “X” from their board.

After we play students continue to ask to play again. I’ve found the right amount is twice a year. It keeps the novelty excitement alive. I hope your students have as much fun playing Grudge Ball as mine do.

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