T.G.I.F Newsletter - Truancy, Finances and Ozone
In this edition: Post pandemic truancy, financial literacy books, and North Shore Betty.

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Hello Friends and T.G.I.F. 😁 Here are some things I thought were worth sharing this week.
The News
Here are some articles that grabbed my attention.
- Post pandemic truancy is on the rise. Will imposing financial penalties on parents help?
- My daughter just landed her first job. It might be time for her to read some of these “best” financial literacy books for kids and teens.
- This week I learned about the “Oscars of Teaching” formally called the Milken Educator Award. Recipients are awarded grants of $25,000 cash in surprise ceremonies. Most teachers I know should win one.
- The hole in the Ozone was discovered in 1985. The global response was quite impressive. This type of global action would come in handy as climate change is an ever-growing threat.
Personal Development and Wellness Resources
- There is always one more thing to be done. Toxic productivity has become harmful to our health.
- What is stoicism and how can it inspire courageous leadership? I’ve been reading about stoicism during the pandemic and have found it to provide some useful tools for handling challenges in and out of the classroom.
- I’m a fan of my Apple watch and use the fitness tracking features. There’s a paradox - as more fitness trackers are purchased activity levels are decreasing.
Here is a quote I’ve been revisiting this week:
“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
- North Shore Betty - She's still shredding at the age of 73 and says, "You're never too old to send it!" I'm a big fan.
Favorite Things
- 🔬 Science - Worms may be able to sniff out cancer. This could provide a low-cost way to help find cancer early where treatment is most effective.
- 🎂 Birthdays - I'm feeling pretty good now that I've managed to stay alive for another year.
Have a great weekend!
P.S. Recommendation: Fabulous. Born at Duke University, Fabulous uses behavioral science to help people make smart changes and build healthy habits. Build self-discipline and create positive structures in your daily life. After answering a series of questions Fabulous will build a plan just for you. Start building new habits with Fabulous today.