7 Great Resources That Will Help Students Develop Their Self-Regulation Skills

Teaching students how to self-regulate opens the door to academic achievement.

7 Great Resources That Will Help Students Develop Their Self-Regulation Skills
Photo by Max van den Oetelaar / Unsplash
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7 Great Resources That Will Help Students Develop Their Self-Regulation Skills

According to Science Daily, "Self Regulation is an umbrella term to define children's abilities to keep information in their working memories, pay attention to tasks and even to inhibit behaviors that might prevent them from accomplishing tasks."

If a child isn't regulated, it's extremely difficult for them to learn. Here are some resources to help them develop their skills.

Self-Regulation Skill Building Resources

  • One way parents and teachers can help children develop their self-regulation skills are to structure routines in ways that support children. Quality sleep and planned "alone time" are helpful.
  • Teachers can set students up for success by creating a positive environment, setting clear expectations, and taking the time to teach study skills. Teaching students ways to reflect and then providing time to do so sets them on the path to becoming self-regulating.
  • The following tools can help students practice self-regulation - mindfulness, activity breaks, feelings charts, guided meditation, and reflection zones.
  • Avoidance of challenging situations doesn't work, rather it's coaching kids through those challenges that help students to self-regulate.
  • Here's a list of common self-regulation strategies.
  • Emotional regulation can be quite challenging for teens. For many teens added stresses pop during this stage of their lives. Here are some emotional regulation activities specifically for tweens and teens.
  • Book - Handbook of Self-Regulation, Third Edition: Research, Theory, and Applications*
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