Goal Update December 2023

Here are the results or lack thereof from December 2023. This was a rough month for some of my goals, but the yearly overview looks pretty good. This is my second year tracking my goals in this way and I’m starting to see the benefits.

Goal Update December 2023
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

This is post #2 of my thirty-day challenge.

Hello friends.

Here are the results or lack thereof from December 2023. This was a rough month for some of my goals, but the yearly overview looks pretty good. This is my second year tracking my goals in this way and I’m starting to see the benefits.

Wellness / Happiness

Here's a rundown of my home workout space.

Complete at least 720 minutes of exercise or more each month.

  • This is the only month of the year in which I did not meet my exercise goal. I logged 639 minutes. I cycled 6 times, logged 5 weight training sessions, and went for 5 walks. My average exercise minutes for the year came out to be 1006.83 minutes each month, which is a win.

Weigh in under 200 pounds and stay there.

  • Time is up and I absolutely did not meet this goal. I hit my exercise goals every month except one, which saved me from a total disaster. This is a roadblock of mine, to say the least.

Complete at least 30 journal entries monthly using a paper journal and Day One App.

  • Complete - I recorded at least one entry every day this past month. These entries were both useful and enjoyable as I completed my annual "Good Stuff" list.

Embrace a Mediterranean / Dash Diet.

  • This was actually pretty good, except for my winter break, which is normally the case. I usually just enjoy the vacation and relax. I’m pretty committed to this the rest of the time.

Education / Teaching Career

Read at least two education/teaching books this year and write a book summary blog post on each.

Share at least four education resources per month.

Here are the resources I put together last month.

Add at least 12 new resources to my subscriber database.

  • Done.

Personal Development

Read two personal development books annually and write a book summary blog post on each.

Complete at least three "thirty-day challenges" in 2023.

Write in a paper journal at least three days per week.

  • I've retired this goal, but starting a commonplace diary may revive my paper efforts.

Dreams, Retirement, and Money Stuff

Publish at least two newsletters per month.

Create at least two YouTube videos per month - step out of your comfort zone.

  • .Complete - These are mostly shorts, but I have started recording a few videos that I use with my students.

Share at least two personal finance resources per month and apply what I learn.

  • This goal has been retired.

Share something useful on Twitter (I'll have to change this to X) at least 25 times per month.

  • Done.

Reflect Monthly

Reflect on these goals and share each month.

  • Done