Goal Update January 2023

Here are the results or lack thereof from January 2023.

Goal Update January 2023
Photo by Thomas Bormans / Unsplash

Hello friends.

Here are the results or lack thereof from January 2023.

Wellness / Happiness

Here's a rundown of my home workout space. It's evolved quite nicely.

Complete at least 720 minutes of exercise or more each month.

  • I logged 987 exercise minutes in January which averages about 31 minutes per day.
  • 10 bike rides, 10 other sessions (consisting of shoveling, snow blowing, and weight training), 5 walks, and 2 snowshoe adventures.

Weigh in under 200 pounds and stay there.

  • I managed to cut out most liquid calories in January and recently started keeping track of what I eat in a food log - My Fitness Pal. Logging takes some getting used to, but it does stop me from going over my budget for the day.
  • Down 3 pounds

Complete at least 30 journal entries per month using both a paper journal and Day One App.

  • Done. I complete 33 journal entries this past month.

Embrace a Mediterranean / Dash Diet.

  • My eating has been better in this department as many of the foods have smaller amounts of calories. The urge to snack at night is real.

Education / Teaching Career

Read at least two education/teaching books this year and write a book summary blog post on each.

  • I haven't started an education book yet.

Share at least four education resources per month.

Done. Here are the resources I shared last month.

Add at least 12 new resources to my subscriber database.

  • I added my new posts to the database - 5 total.

Personal Development

Read two personal development books per year and write a book summary blog post on each.

  • I'm in the middle of the book "Strength to Strength".

Complete at least three "thirty-day challenges" in 2023.

  • I've got two going at the same time. I'm building a Teacher Commuter Playlist adding one song each day for 30 days. I'm also logging my food for 30 days.

Write in a paper journal at least three days per week.

  • I'm struggling with this one. I have been consistent with my weekly review which I've come to enjoy. I try to add something to it throughout the week and then finish it on Friday.

Dreams, Retirement, and Money Stuff

Publish at least two newsletters per month.

  • The streak is alive. I didn't miss a Friday in January.

Create at least two YouTube videos per month - step out of your comfort zone.

  • Done. I recorded on video and one short. It still feels pretty awkward, plus it takes more time than I would like. I'm learning to let go of perfection in this department.

Share at least two personal finance resources per month and apply what I learn.

  • I only shared one - in one of the weekly newsletters.

Share something useful on Twitter at least 25 times per month.

  • I managed to post every day. I started to share some of my podcast takeaways.

Reflect Monthly

Reflect on these goals and share each month.

  • Done

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