Goal Update May 2023
Here are the results or lack thereof from May 2023.
Hello friends.
Here are the results or lack thereof from May 2023. It was a busy and stressful last month of school for me. I really enjoyed the personality of this group of 8th graders even though they required some extra love and attention.
Wellness / Happiness
Here's a rundown of my home workout space. It's evolved quite nicely.
Complete at least 720 minutes of exercise or more each month.
- I complete 27 workouts for a total of 1,055 minutes. That averages out to about 34 minutes per day. Here's the breakdown - 10 walks, 8 runs, 7 bike rides, 1 elliptical session, and one lifting session.
- I know I need to incorporate more strength training into my routine, but as you can see I am struggling to do so.
- I reconnected with Strava so I can start tracking my Fitness Score again. Here's my Strava profile if you'd like to connect.
- I bought a new mountain bike for my youngest daughter. As soon as my older daughter started high school she became so busy I had to recruit a new riding partner.

Weigh in under 200 pounds and stay there.
- Big roadblock at the end of the school year. The floodgates were unleashed as stress increased and willpower diminished. June is a new month.
Complete at least 30 journal entries monthly using a paper journal and Day One App.
- Done - 31 entries in my digital journal. Some paper dabbling, but I'm coming to realize that I prefer the digital journal.
Embrace a Mediterranean / Dash Diet.
- As I said, it was a rough end to the month. One positive has been incorporating cleaner sources of protein. I've even started adding some scoops of whey protein most days and have noticed a difference.
Education / Teaching Career
Read at least two education/teaching books this year and write a book summary blog post on each.
- No progress on this for the last month. I have one more summary to write.
Share at least four education resources per month.
Here are the resources I put together last month. Although I do share resources in each weekly newsletter I missed my monthly goal by one.
- Top Job Skills for the Future: What Teachers Should Know to Prepare Students for Success
- Infusing Music into the Classroom: Ideas and Resources for Teachers
- End of the Year Checklist for Teachers
- What the Greek Freak Taught Me About the End of the School Year
- The Benefits of Interactive Videos in the Classroom: Enhancing Instruction, Building Independence, and Empowering Students
- Memorial Day: Honoring and Remembering Fallen Soldiers - Teaching and Learning Resources and Interesting Facts
- The Negative Impact of High Teacher Turnover Rates on Students and Schools: What's Lost When a Teacher Leaves a School
Add at least 12 new resources to my subscriber database.
- Done
Personal Development
Read two personal development books annually and write a book summary blog post on each.
- I completed the book Strength to Strength and need to complete the book summary.
- I completed "Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity" by Peter Attia M.D. and need to complete the book summary.
Complete at least three "thirty-day challenges" in 2023.
- I have two under my belt. I'm brainstorming ideas for number three.
- Here's my progress so far.
Write in a paper journal at least three days per week.
- This may be the second goal I retire this year. I have an upcoming fishing trip with my dad and brother and look forward to using it then.
Dreams, Retirement, and Money Stuff
Publish at least two newsletters per month.
- The streak is alive. I didn't miss a Friday in May. The end of the school year is super busy and I'm happy that I was able to manage my time to keep my Friday routine intact. Use the button below to join me on my journey.
Create at least two YouTube videos per month - step out of your comfort zone.
- I logged 5 attempts in May. Most of them were Shorts inviting people to check out my newsletter. I also made a video to document my recent Thirty-Day Challenge (see below)
Share at least two personal finance resources per month and apply what I learn.
- I'm retiring this goal; I'm just not feeling it.
Share something useful on Twitter at least 25 times per month.
- Done. Here's the most popular Tweet I shared in May.
Reflect Monthly
Reflect on these goals and share each month.
- Done