Good Stuff
The Good Stuff | 2023
Here are some of my most memorable moments from this past year.
Good Stuff
Here are some of my most memorable moments from this past year.
Thirty Day Challenge
Thirty-Day Challenges are a powerful tool for personal growth and development. By committing to a small challenge for a short period, you can build new habits, break old ones, and learn more about yourself in the process.
Tomorrow is the first day of school with students present. This will be my 25th year teaching at Arbor-Vitae Woodruff School.
This is my system that combines an old-school paper lesson plan book, aspects of Bullet Journaling, Planbook, and Notion that works well for me. Maybe it will work for you too. Here’s how it works.
Gratitude is good for you. I admit, I feel pretty good after typing up this list. What would you place on your school gratitude list?
I am resisting the urge to not try something just because I know that a good portion of my students will struggle with it. There are kids who are ready for it. Even if the rest do not get there, they will be better off for the attempt.
Weekly Report
T.G.I.F. Teacher is a weekly newsletter featuring educational news, and teaching, personal development, and professional learning resources. Topics for this week include good teaching, learning teams, and the "recovery paradox".
Book Summary
Explore how The Bullet Journal Method can improve organization and pave the way for personal development.
I just returned from the EL Education National Conference in Chicago, IL. My head is full and I left inspired. Here are some of my takeaways.
Weekly Report
A newsletter for teachers and lifelong learners. Topics for this week include intellectual humility, effective teaching team, kindness, and more.
Personal Development
Now in my 24th year of teaching, I have managed to become more efficient and productive but feel like I could be doing something more. My kids are older and school stress and responsibility are amping up. I'm hopeful that the Bullet Journal Method can help me out.