Goal Update March 2023

Here are the results or lack thereof from March 2023.

Goal Update March 2023
Photo by Cathryn Lavery / Unsplash

Hello friends.

Here are the results or lack thereof from March 2023.

Wellness / Happiness

Here's a rundown of my home workout space. It's evolved quite nicely.

Complete at least 720 minutes of exercise or more each month.

  • In March I logged 951 minutes of exercise activity, which is an average of 30 minutes per day.
  • I completed 14 cycling sessions, 3 walks, 4 weight training sessions, 1 snowshoe, 1 elliptical session, one slow slog on the treadmill, and 1 mixed cardio session.
  • The two sessions that stick out the most are the snowshoe with my oldest daughter Molly and my first attempt at running in a long while. We just received 15 inches of snow so long bike rides are going to have to wait.

Weigh in under 200 pounds and stay there.

  • I managed to track my calories for the entire month using My Fitness Pal, currently at 206.

Complete at least 30 journal entries monthly using a paper journal and Day One App.

  • Done - 37 entries in my digital journal and five entries in my paper journal. I've been struggling with the paper journal but have enjoyed each session. The paper journaling is slow going.

Embrace a Mediterranean / Dash Diet.

  • I've settled into a nice routine. Keeping track in a food log has been helpful.

Education / Teaching Career

Read at least two education/teaching books this year and write a book summary blog post on each.

  • I finished "Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning" by Doug Buehl and started work on the book summary.

Share at least four education resources per month.

Here are the resources I put together last month. Although I do share resources in each weekly newsletter I missed my monthly goal by one.

Add at least 12 new resources to my subscriber database.

  • Halfway there.

Personal Development

Read two personal development books annually and write a book summary blog post on each.

  • I completed the book Strength to Strength and will start work on the book summary.
  • I'm in the middle of "Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity" by Peter Attia M.D.

Complete at least three "thirty-day challenges" in 2023.

Write in a paper journal at least three days per week.

  • Very little progress on this front.

Dreams, Retirement, and Money Stuff

Publish at least two newsletters per month.

  • The streak is alive. I didn't miss a Friday in March.

Create at least two YouTube videos per month - step out of your comfort zone.

  • Done. I've been recording short podcasts which I've been posting to YouTube.

Share at least two personal finance resources per month and apply what I learn.

  • I'm retiring this goal; I'm just not feeling it.

Share something useful on Twitter at least 25 times per month.

  • Done. A company called Eduporium saw some of my Tweets and asked to interview me. I enjoyed the experience.

Reflect Monthly

Reflect on these goals and share each month.

  • Done

β˜‘ Ready for a challenge? Thirty-Day Challenges are a powerful tool for personal growth and development. By committing to a small challenge for a short period of time, you will build new habits, break old ones, and learn more about yourself in the process.

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