Station Rotation and Blended Learning Teacher Tips
The multi-modal aspect of Blended Learning offers unique opportunities to engage learners where they are while giving teachers the time and space to help students right when they need it.
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Blended learning is an education model where students learn through online media and tools along with traditional face-to-face teaching.
The multi-modal aspect of Blended Learning offers unique opportunities to engage learners where they are while giving teachers the time and space to help students right when they need it.
Some of the benefits of using blended learning include...
- Using different learning activities to increase student engagement
- Learning can be more personalized
- As students gain experience using blended learning, they can become the "drivers" of their learning.
- It creates opportunities to build differentiation into lessons.
There are different models of blended learning: station rotation, lab rotation, individual rotation, flipped classroom, flex, and A La Carte. Each has its positives and negatives.
My personal favorite is the station rotation model for in-class learning. There can be a balance of collaborative and independent work, hands-on learning, and teacher conferencing happening at the same time. Here are some of the resources I've found useful for learning about the station rotation model and planning lessons using this format.
Tip - Just like everything else, students need to be taught the expectations for working within the station rotation model. It will take practice. Taking time to teach them how to work in groups, what the noise level should be like, and how to self-regulate will pay off in the end.

Station Rotation Tips and Resources
- This is a good overview of what to think about when planning a station rotation method.
- 3 Secrets to Successful Station Rotations - Explore how to use group-time build relationships, use data to inform instruction, and personal your station rotation lessons.
- A Complete Guide to the Station Rotation Model - Another how-to guide that includes using Edpuzzle as one of the stations.
- Station Rotation and Lab Rotation Blended Learning Models - Find some examples of activities to prepare for each station.
- Station Rotation: Differentiating Instruction to Reach All Students - See it in action.
More Blended Learning Resources
- Book - The Complete Guide to Blended Learning: Activating Agency, Differentiation, Community, and Inquiry for Students*
- Book - UDL and Blended Learning: Thriving in Flexible Learning Landscapes*
- Blended learning is not magic. It's a powerful tool, but there are some things to look out for. Here are a few tips - 4 Tips for Getting to Know the Blended Learning Model.
- Tips - 5 Tips for Incorporating Blended Learning into Your Classroom and Lessons
- More Tips - 27 Tips to Set Up a Blended Learning Classroom